Meals on Wheels Montgomery County - IFCO Partnership Delivers 5,000 Meals a Week to Homebound Seniors and Individuals

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 13th Srpen 2020, in Novinky

Conroe, TX (USA) – August 13, 2020: Meals on Wheels of Montgomery County, Texas (MOWMC), and IFCO, the world’s leading supplier of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) for fresh food packaging, today announced IFCO is donating 160 RPCs that will be used to store and deliver 5,600 frozen meals weekly to homebound seniors throughout Montgomery County.

"We are incredibly grateful for the new partnership with IFCO, with such a generous donation enabling us to properly store all of our fresh produce and food," said Summer Day, President and CEO of MOWMC. "Our kitchen prepares over 1,000 meals every day to nourish the homebound senior population of Montgomery County, TX. On behalf of our precious clients we serve, thank you!"

"As a vital part of the global food supply chain, IFCO has a strong commitment to fighting hunger and food insecurity in the U.S. and around the world," said Dan Martin, President of IFCO North America. "Now, more than ever, we want to step up and help our friends at Meals on Wheels Montgomery County get nutritious food to more people during this terrible crisis."

MOWMC, using a network of hundreds of volunteers, delivers more than 130,000 home-delivered meals annually and provides 14,400 rides to seniors and homebound individuals throughout Montgomery County.

IFCO RPCs are used to package, ship, store and transport a wide variety of fresh foods, including fruits and vegetables, bakery products, eggs, and meat products from production facilities to retail locations. Every RPC is collected by IFCO after each use and cleaned, washed and sanitized before being used again.

IFCO RPCs are rigid and help protect food, virtually eliminating product damage and food waste. They also eliminate solid waste from single-use packaging, and are environmentally sustainable, as they use less energy and water when compared to other types of food packaging.

Curious about our sustainable food packaging solutions? Learn more or contact our team for more information.

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