IFCO Starts Cooperation with Jerónimo Martins in Colombia

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 12th Juni 2017, in Neuigkeiten

Pullach, Germany, September 5th, 2017: IFCO, the leading global provider of reusable packaging solutions for fresh foods, signed an agreement in July with Jerónimo Martins Colombia (ARA) for the supply of IFCO’s reusable packaging containers (RPCs) for the transport of fresh fruits and vegetables from suppliers to Jerónimo Martins.

Fernando Camara, Logistic Director of Jerónimo Martins Colombia, said: „To satisfy the expectations of our customers, we need reliable and sustainable logistics solutions that ensure optimal product protection during transport and storage. In addition, also in terms of overall costs the IFCO pooling system compares favourably with cardboard boxes. After a successful trial period that started in March, we will now fully implement the IFCO RPC system for our fresh fruits and vegetables."

Thanks to the close cooperation between Jerónimo Martins and IFCO right from the beginning of the introduction phase, the implementation should be finished in August. Colombia is the first country in Latin America where the Portuguese retail group is present with a total of 250 stores.

„IFCO is happy to offer logistic support to Jerónimo Martins in Colombia as one of the leading grocery retailers," said Wolfgang Orgeldinger, Chief Executive Officer of IFCO. He added: „By using IFCO’s pooled RPCs for their fruit and vegetable logistics, Jerónimo Martins and their suppliers can take advantage of an environmentally-friendly and cost-efficient supply chain for fresh produce."

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