Reusable Packaging Europe association launched

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 30th juin 2020, in Actualités

Monday 29 June 2020 has marked the official launch of Reusable Packaging Europe (RPE). RPE represents the interests of companies active in the area of reusable transport packaging systems, primarily Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs). RPE has been established by IFCO SYSTEMS and EURO POOL SYSTEM, two frontrunner companies operating in the reusable transport packaging pooling industry.

It is RPE’s aim to promote pooling models and the use of reusable (transport) packaging as a circular service vis-à-vis the European institutions and industry partners. The association is convinced that the use of RPCs constitutes the most efficient and sustainable solution for the transport of food products. The use of RPCs can furthermore play a key role in reaching the goals set out in the European Commission’s European Green Deal, specifically with regards to driving a waste-free and truly circular economy.

RPE’s Chairman Wolfgang Orgeldinger (CEO of IFCO SYSTEMS) commented: "We are happy to finally give a strong European voice to the reusable transport packaging sector. We believe the sector can substantially contribute to the European Union’s lofty ambitions in achieving a circular economy."

RPE’s other board member Gerjo Scheringa (CEO of EURO POOL SYSTEM) added: "We are looking forward to further collaborating with our partners and stakeholders in the food supply chain. By setting the foundation of RPE we are committed to share our knowledge and expertise in the field of reusable packaging to contribute to a more sustainable future for Europe."

The association aims to expand as broadly as possible and thus calls on any qualifying party to join the association. Membership is open to any company, legal person or organization active in the industry of pooling reusable transport packaging (including RPC pooling companies managed as an open system and pallet pooling companies), as well as directly related activities.

More information

More information on the association, its activities and membership can be found on the RPE website. For any questions, please contact

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