How Can Reusable Assets Help Retailers and Growers Achieve Zero Waste Goals?

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 27th avril 2017, in Stories

Increasingly, consumers are rewarding grocery retailers that are committed to sustainable operations and a sustainable supply chain. In fact, the vision for the future is a circular economy and a circular supply chain that generates zero waste and zero emissions. According to the Ellen Macarthur Foundation, shared and reusable platforms, like Reusable Packaging Containers, are a perfect match for retailers seeking to optimize sustainability along their fresh produce supply chains and reach our shared goal of a circular economy.

To learn the sustainability benefits of shared and reusable fresh produce packaging versus one-way packaging, join the second segment of our 3-part webinar series: Remove the Risk: Using Data to Drive Fresh Produce Growth on May 11, 2017. Details on this upcoming webinar are listed below.

How Reusable Assets Can Help Retailers and Growers Achieve Their Zero Waste Goals?

When: May 11, 2017 2:00-2:45pm ET
Where: IFCO FMI Webinar 2

Webinar Schedule:

2:00 – 2:05: Welcome and Introductions
Patrick Walsh, FMI (Moderator)

2:05 – 2:10: Overview of IFCO, IFCO RPCs and IFCO Sustainability
Hillary Femal, Vice President, Global Marketing, IFCO

2:10 – 2:35: Overview of Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable Packaging Containers and Display- and Non-Display-Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications
Beverly Sauer, Senior LCA Analyst, Franklin Associates, A Division of ERG

2:35 – 2:45: Discussion/Q&A with Participants

2:45: Conclude/Adjourn

We’d love for you to join IFCO’s Hillary Femal, VP of Global Marketing, and Beverly Sauer – Senior LCA Analyst, Franklin Associates, A Division of ERG, to review the results of Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable Packaging Containers and Display- and Non-Display-Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications. Space is limited so don’t wait to register!

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