IFCO Japan acquires Sanko Lease's reusable container pooling services business

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 1st mars 2022, in Actualités

Pullach, March 1, 2022 – IFCO, the world’s leading provider of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) for fresh grocery products, today announced the acquisition completion of the RPC pooling services business of Sanko Lease, via its wholly-owned subsidiary IFCO Japan.

Through the acquisition, IFCO Japan will become the leading provider of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) for fresh grocery products in Japan further promoting sustainability and its business model based on the principle of circular economy. At the same time, IFCO Japan and Sanko Group have entered into a long-term strategic cooperation for the Japanese market.

The acquired business will be transferred to IFCO Japan and succeeded by IFCO Oricon Co., Ltd, which will start operations effective March 1, 2022. Through the acquisition of the business, IFCO Japan will significantly increase its pooling asset base and service center network and will become the largest RPC pooling provider in the fresh grocery supply chain in the Japanese market.

Customers will benefit from the combined global and local experience and resources of IFCO and Sanko Lease. In addition to offering nationwide coverage, more service centers and a broader product and service portfolio, the increased business scale will allow IFCO Oricon to develop and implement solutions to reduce lead-times, improve RPC availability as well as streamline ordering and invoicing systems. Improvements in reverse logistics and transportation efficiency will provide additional benefits and allow customers to reduce the environmental impact of their operations.

Michael Pooley, CEO of IFCO Group, said: "We are delighted about this strategic transaction and the long-term partnership with Sanko Group. In addition, we are excited to see how bringing these two great businesses together will help IFCO continue its mission to make the Japanese fresh grocery supply chain sustainable."

At the same time, IFCO Japan and Sanko Group have entered into a long-term strategic partnership for the Japanese market. Both companies see this cooperation as an opportunity to extend their respective market leading positions.

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