IFCO Names Jonathan Brooks, Veteran Supply Chain Expert, as Vice President, Retail Sales

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 3rd Settembre 2019, in Notizie

Tampa, Florida, USA, September 30, 2019: IFCO, the world’s leading operator of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs), announced the appointment of Jonathan W. Brooks as Vice President, Retail Sales. A senior supply chain executive, he has a successful track record in process improvement and change management, people development, strategic sales, supply chain optimization & design, transportation procurement, and logistics execution.

"We are thrilled to welcome Jon to the IFCO family," said Dan Martin, President of IFCO North America. "His strong track record of leadership and proven ability to develop innovative supply chain solutions for the fast-moving consumer goods sector make him the ideal candidate to work with our retail customers on packaging and supply chain solutions for fresh food."

Brooks most recently served as Senior Director, Global Network Optimization & Design at CHEP, where he created and managed multi-disciplined project teams and collaborated with supply chain executives across the globe to minimize supply chain costs and optimize capital investments.

"I am excited to join IFCO," said Mr. Brooks. "The company has a unique business model with a wide range of sustainable solutions for fresh foods, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance the company’s mission of helping to feed the world affordably, efficiently and sustainably."

Jon served in several roles at CHEP after joining the company in 2002, including Senior Director, National Sales, for CHEP Recycled Pallet Solutions, Senior Director, Retail Business Development, CHEP North America, and Director, Strategic Planning, CHEP North America. During his time with the company, he earned numerous company awards and completed several advanced management programs, including the prestigious Brambles/INSEAD 18-month FastTrack Executive Development program in France.

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