Dr. Julian zu Putlitz becomes the new Chief Financial Officer and member of the IFCO Group Management Board

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 17th Settembre 2019, in Notizie

Pullach, September 17, 2019 – The Supervisory Board of the IFCO Group has appointed Dr. Julian zu Putlitz as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) into the Executive Board of the IFCO Group effective September 16, 2019. He succeeds Margit Kendler, who will leave IFCO at her own request after three years of successful work, to pursue new professional challenges outside the company.

Dr. Julian zu Putlitz studied economics and holds a doctorate in business administration. He began his career in 1998 as a management consultant at Roland Berger in the Restructuring & Corporate Finance competence center, where he became a partner in 2004.

In 2009, he joined Sixt SE as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), where he worked until March 2019. He has also been appointed member of the Supervisory Board of Sixt Leasing SE since July 2019.

As Chief Financial Officer at IFCO, Dr. zu Putlitz, assumes responsibility for the finance, accounting, controlling, creditor relations, risk management, tax, internal auditing and IT functions.

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