IFCO Featured on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland®

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 21st Dicembre 2016, in Notizie

In case you missed it, IFCO CEO Wolfgang Orgeldinger recently appeared on Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® to discuss how IFCO delivers fresh foods safely around the world. In the interview, Wolfgang details why our RPCs are the responsible choice for a healthier planet.

Shawn Baldwin, SVP Produce, Floral, Global Food Sourcing – Walmart U.S., also appears to discuss why Walmart chooses to use RPCs. In the interview, he explains:

  • RPCs have better ventilation which allows produce to cool faster, and they prevent damage to the product.
  • RPCs are ergonomic – they are easier to stack which cuts down on logistics and labor costs.
  • RPCs reduce costs long term which allows Walmart to pass that down to their customers.
  • RPCs allow Walmart to support their commitment to the environment by producing 85% less waste compared to corrugate alternatives.

Soluzioni di imballaggio riutilizzabili IFCO per la catena di fornitura dei generi alimentari freschi

IFCO has the most extensive product range of pooled reusable packaging solutions of any provider. We offer Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) to suit all types of fresh food, in multiple sizes, with optimized solutions for fresh frutta e verdura, banane, carne, pesce e frutti di mare, uova e prodotti da forno.

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