Jon Brooks, Vice President of Retail Sales, joins Reusable Packaging Association
Board of Directors

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 29th Febbraio 2024, in Notizie

The annual election for seven open seats to the Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) Board of Directors recently concluded, resulting in four new board directors. Jon Brooks, Vice President of Retail Sales in North America, was among the newly elected members.

At its core, the RPA works to accelerate supply chain adoption and optimization of reusable packaging systems through education and advocacy. Established in 1999, the RPA is a non-profit trade association advocating for the shared business interests of suppliers and users of reusable packaging products and services. RPA serves as a bridge enabling industry growth, sustainability, and innovation and helps ensure the credibility of reusable packaging systems. Brooks and his new RPA Board of Directors colleagues aim to accelerate the widespread adoption of reusable packaging solutions in supply chains, aligning perfectly with IFCO’s longstanding commitment to sustainability and operational efficiency.

Reusable Packaging Association

Strong and diverse representation

"RPA’s Board of Directors is a strong and diverse representation of member company product and service solutions and individual experience in our industry," said Tim Debus, RPA’s president.

“IFCO is a global leader in RPC pooling and a longstanding member of the association, and Jon Brooks brings to the Board valued talents and perspectives that will enhance our leadership team. We are excited for Jon’s contributions and appreciate his and IFCO’s support of RPA’s impact to accelerate the adoption of reusable transport packaging systems in supply chains.”

Tim Debus

RPA’s president

Reflecting its members’ collective expertise and diversity, the Board is poised to steer the industry toward a future where reusable packaging is the norm. With Jon Brooks leveraging his extensive experience in retail sales and passion for sustainability, the RPA stands to benefit from a fresh and informed perspective.

The chance to make a tangible difference

"I have a passion for advancing reusables within the North American marketplace. It’s not just a commitment to sustainability. It’s a recognition of the urgent need for change. Engaging with other organizations offers a unique opportunity to collectively address the obstacles hindering our progress towards a more circular economy and identify innovative solutions." said Jon Brooks.

"The staggering statistic that 56% of North America’s paper and cardboard waste still ends up in landfills underscores the imperative for action. While I take pride in contributing to a company dedicated to making the fresh grocery supply chain sustainable, this endeavor represents a broader initiative to amplify our efforts across industries and government sectors. It’s about seizing the chance to make a tangible difference on a larger scale and effectively pave the way for a more sustainable future."

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