Technology at a touch - Introducing IFCO’s online ordering system

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 25th juli 2019, in Stories

IFCO’s online ordering system makes ordering and managing RPCs easy for customers – targeted to their individual needs. One of our customers explains from firsthand experience how the process works, what features it offers and which problems it solves.

MyIFCO online ordering

When vegetable grower Florian Wolz needs more Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) to transport his crops, the ordering process must go quickly. "Time is money and my customers expect deliveries of vegetable goods on time," says the Managing Director of Franken-Gemüse Knoblauchsland eG and IFCO customer. The solution: IFCO’s new online ordering system. Wolz is applying it – and he’s deeply satisfied. "Ordering of new IFCO RPCs has never been easier. Instead of downloading anything, I can immediately go to the online ordering interface and enter how many RPCs I need. That’s it. Done."

Introduced in 2018, the company’s online ordering tool is widely used by IFCO customers. Already 74 percent of IFCO RPC orders are made online, and over 200,000 orders are being made via the online ordering tool, with more than 6,000 customers registered users.

The result? Over one billion RPCs have already been delivered through this service.

Providing planning security and flexibility

Online ordering adds enhanced order management functions, including the possibility to choose "favorites" to speed up product selection, as well as a track-and-trace function. Additional features, such as simultaneous processing of multiple orders, and scheduling return pick-up of RPCs, will be available soon. With just a few clicks, IFCO customers can quickly and easily order new RPCs.

For example, the online ordering calendar function helps customers to easily plan the number of RPCs needed, confirms customer Florian Wolz. "The calendar display allows me to oversee what’s in progress: what’s arriving, what has been ordered and which RPCs are on their way." Wolz has already had good experiences with this system. "It simplifies planning and scheduling – making my business operations more predictable, easy and efficient to manage," he says. For example, IFCO’s online ordering tool helps him to plan large amounts of RPCs orders.

"Customers’ advertising campaigns sometimes lead to a 300 percent increase in RPC requirements, which must, of course, be covered by IFCO. And such an increase can be very well planned and managed using the IFCO online ordering system," Wolz adds.

Moreover, staff can quickly learn to handle the system. "We don’t even need to train staff," he continues. "If the person responsible who has ordered IFCO RPCs is on vacation, the process can be easily managed at any time by any other colleague in the office."

Good access

Another key asset of IFCO’s online ordering system is its good access. Next to using the system classically via their desktop, customers can also access it via their smartphone and or tablet. IFCO’s online ordering system has a big advantage: It’s a mobile application that can be assessed via smartphone or tablet. Customers can order new RPCs from everywhere and at any time.

Grunnen til at det er raskt og enkelt å bestille RPC-er fra IFCO

På hvert trinn i prosessen tilbyr IFCO fleksibiliteten som gir deg den beste løsningen. Dette starter med en bestilling som du kan utføre via telefon, e-post eller via vårt avanserte nettbaserte bestillingssystem, MyIFCO™.

Les mer

With its ease of availability, IFCO’s online ordering system offers customers a fast and flexible way to manage orders of IFCO RPCs – an added value in service. Technology at a touch – ready for customers today.

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