IFCO European Lift Lock containers become Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 30th March 2021, in Notícias

Munich, Germany, March 30, 2021: The Lift Lock range in Europe is the first and only reusable food packaging container range with this prestigious sustainability certification. The leading global provider of reusable packaging for fresh foods, IFCO, has had its European line of Lift Lock reusable packaging containers (RPCs) awarded Cradle to Cradle Certified® (Version 3.1) at the Silver level. IFCO’s European Lift Lock products are now the first and only fresh-food RPCs to meet this ambitious sustainability standard.

"Cradle to Cradle Certified gives leading companies a globally recognized standard for ensuring their impact on people and our planet is a positive one," said Dr. Christina Raab, vice president of strategy and development for the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. "IFCO is paving the way towards a new business model for safe, circular, and responsibly made food packaging."

In addition to the overall Silver certification, the Lift Lock range was awarded Gold achievement level in the assessment category of Material Reutilization.

"We couldn’t be prouder of this accomplishment," said IFCO Group CEO Michael Pooley. "We are committed to sustainability , and that means reusing materials as much as possible. And Cradle to Cradle goes beyond reducing negative effects on the environment. It’s about making a positive ecological impact. Repairing containers and reusing materials instead of throwing them away is a fundamental part of our circular economy business model."

IFCO’s Lift Lock range includes products optimized for fruit and vegetables, meat, and baked goods. All IFCO products are shared and reused. The company’s RPCs last for around 100 cycles on average, and if they are damaged, either they are repaired or they are granulated and recycled into new IFCO RPCs.

“Cradle to Cradle certification identifies companies committed to positively affecting the world around them”

Hein van Tuijl, managing director of EPEA Benelux

The accredited assessment body for Cradle to Cradle Certified that evaluated the IFCO products. "We congratulate IFCO on clearing this high bar for circular economy practices."

Mr. Pooley also said that the certification process shines a light on IFCO’s internal operations. "The rigorous certification process is designed to help drive continuous improvement over time," he said. "We will recertify every two years to maintain our certification, and we will assess new improvements to our certified products each time. The Cradle to Cradle certification gives our customers—and their customers—unprecedented transparency into the way we do business." In addition to reducing supply-chain packaging waste, Lift Lock containers also help keep food undamaged, reducing food waste.

The Cradle to Cradle Certified Products Program was originally developed around the ideas in the 2002 book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, by chemist Dr. Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough. Cradle to Cradle Certified products are evaluated for material health, product circularity, clean air & climate protection, water & soil stewardship, and social fairness.

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