IFCO-FMI Educational Seminar for Retailers & Growers Focuses on Meeting Supply Chain Sustainability Goals with Reusable Packaging

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 2nd May 2017, in Notícias

Tampa, Florida – May 2, 2017: IFCO, the world’s leading provider of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) for fresh food packaging, today announced it is collaborating with the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) to offer a series of online educational sessions, Just the Facts: How Reusable Assets Can Help Retailers and Growers Achieve their Zero Waste Goals. On May 11, the session will focus on the key role shared and reusable assets play in helping retailers and growers create a more sustainable supply chain.

"IFCO is committed to the vision of a circular economy that produces zero waste and zero emissions," said Daniel Walsh, president of IFCO North America. "We are pleased to partner with FMI to deliver this complimentary educational content and help retailers and growers meet their sustainability and marketplace goals."

Increasingly, consumers are rewarding retailers and growers who are committed to sustainable operations and a sustainable supply chain, and continue to unite around the goal of a circular economy and supply chain that generates zero waste and zero emissions. According to the Ellen Macarthur Foundation, shared and reusable platforms, like RPCs, are a perfect match for retailers seeking to optimize sustainability along their fresh produce supply chains.

During the May 11th educational session, Hillary Femal, IFCO Vice President of Global Marketing, and Beverly Sauer, Senior Life Cycle Analyst at Franklin Associates, will review the results of a new study, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Reusable Packaging Containers and Display- and Non-Display-Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications, and discuss the sustainability benefits of shared and reusable fresh produce packaging versus one-way packaging.

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