IFCO recognized by Sustainalytics as a 2023 ESG European Top-Rated Company

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 9th February 2023, in Notícias

Munich, Germany, February 9, 2023: IFCO, the world’s leading provider of Reusable Packaging Containers (RPCs) for fresh grocery products, has been recognized by Sustainalytics, a leading independent ESG Risk Rating Agency, as an ESG Regional Top-Rated company.

This distinction from Sustainalytics highlights the strength of IFCO’s ESG efforts and identifies them as a top performer within their region. After analyzing more than 15,000 companies across 42 industries, Sustainalytics awards only those companies that strongly outperform in sustainable practices for their respective regions.

“Being recognized as an ESG Top-Rated company in Europe by Sustainalytics is a testament to how seriously we take our ESG program here at IFCO.”

Michael Pooley, Chief Executive Officer of IFCO Systems

Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company manages those risks. It has the most comprehensive and sophisticated ESG methodology and works with thousands of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability policies, practices, and capital projects.

In September 2022, IFCO received an overall Sustainalytics ESG low-risk rating with a score of 11.2 which positioned IFCO in the top 16% of all global companies rated by Sustainalytics. The score confirms the strength of IFCO’s ESG strategy, its commitment to doing business responsibly, and demonstrates those values are at the heart of the company’s reduce, reuse, and recycle business model, as highlighted in their latest ESG report.

The 11.2 rating from Sustainalytics placed IFCO in the top three companies evaluated in its subindustry category globally. This placement confirms IFCO’s overall management of material ESG issues is strong and carries low exposure and risk when compared to similar companies. Moreover, IFCO earned a "negligible risk" rating in seven out of eight categories measured, further establishing IFCO as a credible partner to those committed to sustainability. 

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