Wolfgang Orgeldinger announced as IFCO's CEO

written by IFCO SYSTEMS, 22nd August 2013, in 新闻

IFCO Systems today announced that Wolfgang Orgeldinger would become Chief Executive Officer of the company, succeeding Karl Pohler, who is retiring to pursue other interests. Mr Orgeldinger will also succeed Mr Pohler as Group President of the Reusable Plastic Crates (RPCs) segment of IFCO’s parent company, Brambles Limited.

Mr Orgeldinger has been Chief Operating Officer of IFCO since 2002, responsible for all aspects of the company’s operations, logistics, asset management and information technology. He was Chief Information Officer of IFCO between 2000 and 2002, responsible for e-logistics and information technology.

The leadership succession process at IFCO follows the successful integration of the business into Brambles since that company acquired the business in March 2011, and its development into the world’s leading provider of RPC pooling solutions, serving retailers and fresh food producers from 45 locations with a pool of more than 180 million RPCs.

Before joining IFCO, Mr Orgeldinger held various executive positions with information technology distribution company Computer 2000, among them Executive Vice President of the Computer 2000 Group and prior to that Managing Director of Computer 2000 Germany. He was a member of Computer 2000’s Executive Management Board, responsible for the group’s entire European logistics, technical services, assembly services and IT. He previously worked 10 years in various management positions at Digital Equipment Corporation and has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Bayreuth in Germany.

Mr Orgeldinger said: "I am delighted to take up this position with IFCO and Brambles and look forward to working with our customers and partners worldwide over coming years. I am extremely grateful to Karl for his leadership, support and contribution during 13 successful years of leading and growing IFCO and look forward to working with him on a smooth leadership transition." Mr Pohler said: "The transition to Wolfgang’s leadership of IFCO ensures continuity in terms of continuing to serve the IFCO customer base and grow the business. It has been my pleasure building this business over the past 13 years and I am confident that it will continue its growth path under Wolfgang’s leadership as part of Brambles.

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